Just back from vacation. I stay at a beach front hotel in Kuta-Bali with my family. It was truly amazing view all night dude. Now i’m back home fresh, I’m thinking to put new stuffs in Rockstar Pundit. So i … Read the rest
Alien Will Rule The World
After digital downloads rule the music world, now it’s time for Aliens to rule the world. UFO has reportedly landed in Romania.
Digital Music Museumize The Old Record Model?
A close look on digital music and the old music record format sales comparison from emarketer. Well this is a witness of the downfall of soon-to-be-museumized old record format.
Radiohead knows very well where their source of income is… Read the rest
First Look at The New Zune
What’s Your Rockstar Name?
Found this fun site to get a rockstar name. This site also can convert your ordinary name into rockstar, popstar, rapstar and countrystar name.
My name is converted, here’s the result:
1. Real name: Robin Malau
2. Rockstar name: Vinnie … Read the rest
How To Enjoy 9 – 5 Work
Here some cool tips from productivity blog Dumb Little Man about how to work 9-5 as well as enjoy it. There were actually 8 things pointed out by DLM, but i would like to make it my own list and … Read the rest
Paris Hilton at Letterman Show
Ouch. Dude this is funny. This has been on the market for a while but i think this still worth to look. She thought she’s there for one ting only, her clothing, perfume and her business. Dude that’s one thing. … Read the rest
100th Post With Pink Floyd
This is the 100th post in Rockstar Pundit so i feel to celebrate it with Pink Floyd which you can’t disagree with.
“Shine On You Crazy Diamond” is in tribute to former band member Syd Barrett. It was first … Read the rest
Top 5 Time Saving For Bloggers/Writers
There’s a cool article on time saving for Bloggers and Writers at Tim Ferriss’ blog.
Points are:
1. Decide how you’re measuring success before writing a post–what’s your metric? Form follows function.
2. Post less to be read more.… Read the rest
Comments on Amazon MP3
There’s a lot of positive comments about Amazon MP3 from all over the web. Some high profile blogs comments are listed at Our Digital Music.… Read the rest