To re-state the obvious:
- Small business are driving the economy by creating most new jobs.
- Small business are driving the economy by making money.
- Small business are using social media (a good use in Indonesia: @maicih, @steakholycow)
- Social
Robin Malau – Rockstar now Geek
Official website of Robin Christian Malau – Indonesian musical artist & entrepreneur who lives in SF Bay Area, California
To re-state the obvious:
[quote source=”Ozzy Osbourne” rating=”5″]Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It’s a dangerous world.[/quote]
I can’t prevent myself not to post this. Classic Ozzy Osbourne.… Read the rest
[quote source=”Chris Brogan” rating=”4″]Don’t settle: Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.[/quote]… Read the rest
This continues:
LinkedIn mengeluarkan daftar kata-kata di bio yang terlalu banyak digunakan di social network untuk profesional tersebut.
Adakah yang terlalu sering Anda gunakan? Saya sih banyak! 😀
Ada atau tidak, ada baiknya bio di social media di ricek dan jika perlu … Read the rest
[quote source=”Paul Newman” rating=”4″]Men experience many passions in a lifetime. One passion drives away the one before it.[/quote]… Read the rest