What I Read Today

It’s weekend so I do a bit more reading than usual.

  1. US Twitter User Base Begins to Mature (eMarketer). Here’s how the globe looks like. The US is only part of it.
  2. Welcome to Googletown: Here’s how a city becomes company property (The Verge). Google is so enormous Mountain View has become the city of Google. A place to go before you die definitely.
  3. 5 Things You Know But Don’t Do Enough (Duct Tape Marketing). Some daily basics we often forget.
  4. Dobri Dobrev, the nicest person on earth (Reddit). 98yr old Dobri Dobrev walks 10k in homemade clothes to the city of Sofia each day where he collected over 40,000 euros and donated it towards the restoration of Bulgarian monasteries, churches and the bills of orphanages.
  5. Can friends make it in business? (BBC). One of the main reason why I stay at the same company in the last 3 years is because the founders are all my friends.
  6. Amazon Talks to Music Labels About a Streaming Service (Re/code). Because downloading is boring.
  7. ‘Godfather’ of Helvetica font dies at 84 (CNN). His work is everywhere, including in my company’s brand identity. Rest In Peace!
  8. Google Pays for the Ride (NY Times Bits). Google’s company shuttles using public infrastructure -> San Francisco complaint -> Google give $6.8 million to fund a city transit program -> Google become one of the largest private contributions towards direct City services in San Francisco history. Easy.
  9. Fab.com’s in trouble (WSJ Digits). The article is actually about their CFO and other executive exits, but I miss the whole story about their trouble. I remember my excitement of Fab.com’s launch, then pissed because despite all the hype, they shipped only to US.
  10. Google Redesigns Hangouts For iOS, Adds Video Messages And Animated Stickers (Techcrunch). Apps by the search giant already look alright on iOS before this.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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