So this is my recorded interview with Hard Rock Radio Bali. The recording here contains purely interview session, without any music. The original show was like 2 hours, i guess you wouldn’t find a free 2 hours time to listen to my interview. Oh anyway, the interview is in Indonesian language and splits into 7 parts.
Enjoy! 😀
1. Opening.
2. About Me.
3. IYMEY Story.
4. UPH Story.
5. Web Designer.
6. What’s Next.
7. Closing.
@anima @inidis guys, my interview at Hard Rock Radio Bali, you’re invited to have a listen if you have time 😀…
@lowrobb awright 😀
Link buat downloadnya mana bang????
Sori, download link nya ga jalan ya? Ini dibawah, klik link nya terus Save Target As atau Save Link As:
1. Opening.
2. About Me.
3. IYMEY Story.
4. UPH Story.
5. Web Designer.
6. What’s Next.
7. Closing.
Linknya mana bang?
Itu di atas 😀
Sori bang, kesannya gw cerewet. Soalnya tadi jaringan di sini kacau balau…!
Menginspirasi. Let’s be ilogical! 😀
Go beyond logic! It’s possible! 😀
Best part : “6. What’s Next”