WordPress Plugin Repository Google CSE

If you ever search through WordPress’ Plugin Repository you’ll know the search suck. It’s easier to search from Google than from the Wp’s extend site.

There’s a chat in WP-Hackers mailing list and today i found out Joost De Valk has made a Google custom search for searching through the site which work a lot better. Of course… it’s a Google search.

However, the URL of the Google’s CSE homepage is too long as ever, i’ve shorten it using TiNyURL.

Here’s the link:


Here’s the search gadget for your blog or Google homepage:

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

0 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin Repository Google CSE”

  1. Hi Mario,

    It’s not a WP plugin, it’s a Google CSE for WordPress Plugin Repository.

    By using this search engine, the search results are far more accurate than the original search you can find in WPR. The thing is, URLs for Google CSE is too long, what i did was shortening the URL so user can remember it easily and no need to bookmark.

    Hope it helps.

  2. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

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