Prof. Jeffry A. Timmons was a pioneer in Entrepreneurship Education. I’m sending out my deep condolences as he died unexpectedly on April 8, 2008, at his winter home in South Carolina at the age of 66.
From his page in Babson College:
Known internationally for his research, innovative curriculum development, and teaching in entrepreneurship, new ventures, entrepreneurial finance and venture capital, Jeff Timmons held simultaneous professorships at Babson and Harvard Business School. He returned to Babson full time, and in 1995 was named the first Franklin W. Olin Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship. Timmons’ friends and supporters endowed the Jeffry A. Timmons Professorship in the mid-1990s in recognition of his contributions to Babson College and to the field of entrepreneurship. His doctoral dissertation, “Entrepreneurial and Leadership Development in an Inner City Ghetto and a Rural Depressed Area (Harvard, 1971)” was the first use of the word “entrepreneurial” in a dissertation title.
I was an Entrepreneurship graduate student back in 2004, and Professor Timmons’ book New Venture Creation was my Holy Bible. When i wrote my thesis for the degree, with my fellow entrepreneurship students, our professor Yuyun Wirasasmita asked us to use Timmon’s model for Assessing new venture opportunity, as the parameter for recognizing initial entrepreneurial success. Despite it brought debate among professors from other department, i think we had successfully pioneered the new thesis model for entrepreneurship graduate study in Indonesia.
Thank you Prof. Timmons.
Note: i can’t get anything from Google Search regarding the latest news of Prof. Timmons. I mean, noone is writing about this?
Via: The Entrepreneurial Mind.
Update May 27th 2008: Babson College will host a memorial service celebrating the life of Professor Jeffry Timmons. The service, which will take place at Babson on Friday, June 20 at 10:30 a.m. Please email for additional details.