Idiomag Your Cool Online Music Magazine

Idomag is cool online music magazine. It combines syndicated media content, user feedback, recommendation technology and now Attention Data to produce a very attractive your own personalized music web magazine.

From their press site:

idiomag is a high-quality, digital magazine currently personalized to each individual user’s interests in music. It keeps them “in the know” about the artists and genres they love, as well as finding new artists that they might like. It includes feature articles, reviews, galleries and interactive elements in an engaging format that users can access whenever and wherever they want it.

Users can read the article, play the track, view the video, check for gigs, and go off to buy the mp3 or ticket or share their views with their friends. We utilise all the knowledge this generates about our users and their interests to deliver the most relevant experience and to target the most compelling advertising.

idiomag is a personalised publishing platform that integrates users, content providers and advertisers: for users, we provide a highly-relevant multimedia magazine; for content providers we provide an efficient mass-distribution system via quality content formats; and we enable advertisers to engage their audiences with relevant, effective and engaging advertising.

In this site, you can track your activities in other music networking sites like, Pandora (restricted outside US), Ilike, MyStrands, Mog, MySpace, and Bebo.

The design is very simple and yet convincing. It’s fun to have a personalized web music magazine which designed to your very own style.

Here’s a link to the video on how idiomag works. It’s cool.



Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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