Cuil Index My Name

Cuil is a new search engine formed by ex-Googlers that gets so much attention this morning from the blogosphere. As an early adapter, i took myself immediately to and tested the newly launch search machine.

My first search was my own name, and it returned a 88,236 results compare to Google who gets 15,200. Other interesting result is a not launch yet WikiYou turns on the first page. However, it’s been a while since my profile at LinkedIn beat in search results at any search engines. I don’t really have an opinion on how it works or if the new service can give Google a good fight. But as long as my name is there, then i think the service is fine for my own sake. That’s why i bought my name domain and fill it with my things by the way. is fine and it’s now among my Firefox search engines (oh it needs an icon by the way to get attention from Firefox users!).

Cuil needs icon for Firefox

Anyhow, good luck to Cuil.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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