So you have a Tumblr blog and hope to get indexed quickly by Google.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your Google Webmaster account.
2. Add your Tumblr blog URL to your website lists.
3. Verify your Tumblr blog.… Read the rest
Robin Malau – Rockstar now Geek
Official website of Robin Christian Malau – Indonesian musical artist & entrepreneur who lives in SF Bay Area, California
So you have a Tumblr blog and hope to get indexed quickly by Google.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your Google Webmaster account.
2. Add your Tumblr blog URL to your website lists.
3. Verify your Tumblr blog.… Read the rest
I bought the domain back in November 2009, but never had the time to manage a WordPress website for it. So, early this month, i decided to host the project on Tumblr, for its simplicity’s sake and because they have … Read the rest
But it was a cool Friday night, so nevermind…
I went out with an old friend, Rully from Suaka and his girlfriend Kat (we actually started – my first and his second – thrash metal band together back in 1991). … Read the rest
This is a cool cover of The New Yorker, featuring a kid teaching seniors how to use the internet for communication ๐
This is example for Friendfeed‘s real time search for ‘Facebook’.
Finally, i’m happy with this one ๐
Update August 19: i redesigned this blog and also change my Facebook profile to a huge red R like below. Now i’m settled ๐
Artikel di New York Times ini menggambarkan prinsip terjadinya kewirausahaan. Menjadi pengusaha karena terpaksa. Menjadi pengusaha karena harus menjadi pengusaha.
Seorang lulusan Duke University jurusan Biologi dipecat dari pekerjaannya bulan Mei tahun lalu. Sesudah berbulan-bulan menjadi pekerjaan baru (baca=melamar pekerjaan), … Read the rest
Artikel di New York Times ini menggambarkan prinsip terjadinya kewirausahaan. Menjadi pengusaha karena terpaksa. Menjadi pengusaha karena harus menjadi pengusaha.
Seorang lulusan Duke University jurusan Biologi dipecat dari pekerjaannya bulan Mei tahun lalu. Sesudah berbulan-bulan menjadi pekerjaan baru (baca=melamar pekerjaan), … Read the rest
Today is not a good day, i can’t finish my checklists at work. I noticed that it’s a super simpleย recurring administrative tasks. I don’t know why, i just gave up. I decide to turn off my computer and went … Read the rest
Be happy, you’re leaving the old days for a better time. That’s priceless. Don’t use sad notes, i mean, you’re leaving for the better things right?
Write a happy letter, celebrate, encourage your employee friends that you’re taking a different … Read the rest