Produced by Sidetrack Films, Beautiful Losers is an intimate and moving assessment of underappreciated yet wildly influential outcasts such as Shepard Fairey, Margaret Kilgallen, Mike Mills, Barry McGee, Jo Jackson, Chris Johanson, Harmony Korine, Stephen Powers, Geoff McFetridge, Thomas Campbell and Ed Templeton. Informed by their individual experiences and the generation’s “Do It Yourself” culture, these artists left an indelible mark on the worlds of fashion, music, literature, film and ironically, sports. The story of Beautiful Losers is a retrospective celebration of their contribution to artistic independence.
The film has screened at SXSW which i didn’t go, and it’s now is on tour across US. From the people from film’s YouTube Channel, people can expect that this film will be out in theaters across America this summer and out on dvd by the end of the year.
Oh yeah, if i don’t find the chance to go to the states, i’ll be happy to wait for the DVD. You can learn more on the film at the official website and below is the trailer.
Via: Juxtapoz.
tol’ this is very astig!
mabuhay from the Philippines!
That’s not even 10 muients well spent!