Keren ini, seperti zombie campur korban perang campur orang terbakar. Patung lilin yang terbakar (tapi selamat) setelah kebakaran museum Madame Tussauds di London tahun 1925.
Month: March 2014
Bad Day
Ngga liat ini sebelumnya.
Pernah dengar beberapa teman lama sekarang main longboard tapi ngga pernah tau sebanyak dan seseru ini. Melihat spot main dan peralatannya, anak-anak ini sudah main dan ngulik cukup dalam.
Serunya buat anak Bandung, spot seperti ini … Read the rest
What I Read Today
- Paypal fully supports Crowdfunding (Paypal forward blog). PayPal wants to clearly understand crowdfunding campaign goals and help them ensure their campaigns are compliant with our policies and government regulations.
- Rdio Acquires India’s Troubled Music Streaming Startup Dhingana To Enter India,
Piracy No More
So there’s this ‘problem’:
230,730,000 songs are illegally downloaded every day; 160,000 songs are illegally downloaded every minute.
— Fact (@Fact) March 14, 2014
And there’s this ‘solution’:
Now go try “illegally stream” songs. You can’t. Piracy no more.
… Read the rest Is Jokowi The Coolest Governor in The World?
Joko Widodo also known as Jokowi, a metalhead, currently Jakarta governor, and running for the next Indonesia president.
This audio was recorded at the end of 2013’s Metallica show in Jakarta. 50k metalheads call his name “JOKOWI, JOKOWI, JOKOWI…”. He … Read the rest
There Goes Our Beloved Governor
Baru sekali lihat pemimpin level propinsi benar, ya Jokowi ini. Sayang umurnya hanya sebentar, sudah mau naik lagi ke atas. Mudah-mudahan tidak salah ambil langkah yang ketinggian.
BREAKING NEWS : Megawati Soekarnoputri telah resmi memberi mandat Jokowi sbg Capres 2014
… Read the rest Musikator dan Spotify
Ketika mulai dulu, tidak pernah terpikir kalau suatu hari nama Musikator dan Spotify bisa berada bersama di 1 kalimat. Tapi kenyataannya hari ini eksekutif perwakilan dari kedua perusahaan bisa berada di secarik kertas yang sama menyetujui hal yang sama: kerjasama … Read the rest
What I Read Today
- 17 Traits That Distinguish The Best Startup CEOs (Business Insider). The best part: “AirBnB took 1,000 days for its business to start working. Imagine if they gave up on day 999?”.
- 60% of UK’s video, video games and music sales
Sepultura “Beneath The Remains”
One of those classic metal albums that influence my life as musician. Thank you Sepultura! (The widget doesn’t work well on mobile. Sorry for that!)… Read the rest