- Bill Gates regains world’s richest title with net worth of $76B (Geek Wire). That’s a lot of money.
- Why Today’s Giants Build The Tech They Need To Stay On Top (Om Malik at Fast Company). It’s a great read, but the sub-title, which I use for title, is self explanatory. No?
- If Content is King, then LinkedIn May be the New Kingdom (ArCompany). Applied to their publisher program, hope I’m accepted.
- Sharing is The New Buying, Winning in the Collaborative Economy (Jeremiah Owyang). I am going to re-post this on separate blog post.
- TED.com redesigned and redefined (TED Blog). Incredible.
- Why We Should Thank Bill Gates For Making Himself So Rich (Pando Daily). Entrepreneurs are capturing only a little less than 3 percent of the total value created by their activities, while the 97% goes to us the consumers.
- Google UX design with heart (Eman El-Koshairy at Medium). How Google builds features that make you go: “Of Course”.
- Yahoo to End Facebook, Google Sign-In on Its Web Properties (Recode). It’s time. I mean it’s weird that they ever decide to let their users sign in using Facebook or Google.