I always name my electric vehicles. My Juiced electric bike was named Tortilla, and my Boosted electric scooter was named Rice. I always use male pronouns when referring to them.
When I got my ID4, I immediately thought of a … Read the rest
Official website of Robin Christian Malau – Indonesian musical artist & entrepreneur who lives in SF Bay Area, California
I always name my electric vehicles. My Juiced electric bike was named Tortilla, and my Boosted electric scooter was named Rice. I always use male pronouns when referring to them.
When I got my ID4, I immediately thought of a … Read the rest
I have a deep affection for the iPhone. It holds a place of utmost importance in my generation’s tech landscape. Since I purchased my first iPhone, the 3GS, in 2009, it has been a constant companion, with subsequent models like … Read the rest
You can find part I here and part II here.
In January 2014, I decided to quit smoking tobacco. It’s been nine years since I took my last puff, and I can’t help but feel a sense of pride … Read the rest
You can catch up on Part I here: link.
Reflecting on my previous account of my transformation, I realize that I may have simplified things a bit too much. So, I want to delve deeper into this ‘new me’ … Read the rest
Alright mate, gather ’round. Yours truly’s back with another tale from the trenches – this time, it’s the legendary Ville Valo’s playing at The Fillmore, San Francisco.
Yeah, the former HIM main man who’s been spinning some serious solo … Read the rest
A few weeks ago, I found myself going toe-to-toe with a major health scare. Growing up in Indonesia, a place where we’re often skeptical about doctors and western medicine, it’s more of a social custom to rely on self-medication. But … Read the rest
Wah, kapan ya terakhir gue update blog ini? Ternyata November 2020!
Sudah lama sekali! Terhitung lama, karena sebelum pindah ke Amerika, gue sering posting blog. Ya gak rajin posting juga 2 tahun sih lama ya. Apakah gue bakal … Read the rest
Terakhir saya update blog ini bulan Maret 2018. Istilahnya, “it was a life time ago“. Karena sejak post tersebut, saya sudah beberapa kali pindah tempat bekerja, pindah kota, bahkan pindah negara. Saya sudah menjadi orang baru.
Long … Read the rest
World Urban Forum (WUF) sebelumnya hanya dikenal dan terbatas bagi kalangan penggiat kota dan urbanisme saja. Musik tidak pernah dibicarakan di dalamnya. Tetapi sejak WUF ke-9 yang dilaksanakan di Kuala Lumpur bulan Februari lalu, keadaan berubah karena musik telah resmi … Read the rest
Dalam dua bulan terakhir saya diundang untuk menghadiri tiga acara yang berfokus pada pengembangan pasar musik di Taiwan dan Korea Selatan. Acara-acara tersebut adalah Golden Melody Festival & Awards di Taipei, serta MU:CON dan Zandari Festa di Seoul. Meski ketiganya … Read the rest