I think you should

Do you bootstrap your business? I think you should. If you don’t come from rich entrepreneurial family, then it’s the only way to grow your business. There’s no big business started big. Well some are but most are not. They were small like ours.

Do you know Seth Godin? Should I introduce him to you? Well, if you don’t know him yet (where have you been???)then I think I should. Seth Godin is a successful entrepreneur and a marketing guru. He’s an MBA from Stanford, former Yahoo’s Permission Marketing Vice President, and author of several great business books and founder of Squidoo.com.

Do you read Seth’s blog? I think you should. You can read his daily thoughts about everything he sees and thinks. He’s into art, music and as well into science. I think he understands gloriously many things.

So if you want to bootstrap your business and read what Seth thinks about it, then I think you should read his book THE BOOTSTRAPER’S BIBLE. It’s a free e-book, so I think you should download it.

Yeah I think you should. I really think you should.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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