I feel good today, My Business Plan site is alive and well!

So my domain transfer is finished. It was a long hard battle with the current registrar. It was local regitrar and they can’t accept my plan to move my hosting, so they tried their best to hold me. Finally my current domain hosting really helpful and help me out through all process. It’s not live yet but i’m glad, the address is www.perencanaanbisnis.com. It means business plan in Indonesian language.

It’s my side job. I would like to help entrepreneurs especially in my country to write their business plans. I love help other people to leverage their business management ability. If my potential client is a charity or foundations for small businesses, and need my help, i even will do it for free. Long live entrepreneuriality.

Anyhow, lesson learned, never trust these arbitrages.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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