I’ve been messing up with dozens of WordPress Themes, either for my own blogs and lately for my client’s blogs. Lately i’ve been experimenting by converting a CSS template into WordPress template. When i finished my first template, i was like, OMG i can make a wordpress template by my own, but then, i found out that some plugins are just not working in my template, especially PodPress.
By doing a simple Google Search i found this post by WordPress Expert who can answer my question. A plugin friendly WordPress template must include the following codes:
1. Header
Can you find these codes before the </head> closing tag?
<?php wp_head(); ?>
2. Sidebar
Find these codes in the “Meta” section of your sidebar:
<?php wp_meta(); ?>
Try to find this before the </form> closing tag:
<?php wp_meta(); ?>
4. Footer
Look for these codes at the bottom of your theme
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
From my own theme as an example, after i snipped these codes at its places, the theme is going alright with any kind of plugins that i install, especially the very cool PodPress plugin.
thanks! that’s super helpful. i’ll go take a peak at my template.
Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by.
You have a ultra super cool blog, glad this post can be helpful.