Via Motherboard:
… Read the restSo when Berners-Lee and his team cooked up a new edition of their still-primitive World Wide Web system, one that could support photo files, he went a few steps from his workstation to ask de Gennaro for
Robin Malau – Rockstar now Geek
Official website of Robin Christian Malau – Indonesian musical artist & entrepreneur who lives in SF Bay Area, California
Via Motherboard:
… Read the restSo when Berners-Lee and his team cooked up a new edition of their still-primitive World Wide Web system, one that could support photo files, he went a few steps from his workstation to ask de Gennaro for
Great stuff.… Read the rest
Plenty of notable user experience updates but removing ‘via 3rd party client’ note sucks.… Read the rest
Yth Ibu Mentri, kalau ingin "Menyelamatkan Musik Indonesia" cari solusi yg memihak inovasi ya, bukan memihak industri. Pasti berhasil. #fb
— Robin Malau (@lowrobb) July 9, 2012
Awesome stuff.… Read the rest
She’s extremely pretty. Here’s my favorite.
Thanks Atri!… Read the rest
Marco Ament: Corrupt App Store binaries crashing on launch.
Techcrunch: FairPlay DRM May Be To Blame For Widespread iOS & Mac App Crashes.
Don’t download any app updates today!!
(via @iPhoneAppStorm).
Update: Apple Says it has Fix … Read the rest
Music exists in a sweet spot between commerce and culture, individual and collective effort, identity and industry, and digital and analog – it is the perfect art-form to create an infinite Internet controversy.
That’s why it’s so messy. Great thoughts… Read the rest
A collection of dead Google products on Pinterest by none other than a Microsoft employee. How fun! 😀
If you are in a band and not fucking amazing live, you better have rich parents.