Gerd Leonhard Book For FREE

Gerd Leonhard has been known as the founder of Sonific‘s SongSpots (posted my Sonific player here) and the author of The Future of Music.

Continuing his great work and contribution to the great music 2.0., Leonhard has released a new super cool new book The End of Control which you can have it for free. Yes free.

About The End of Control:

This book is about the most important issue the media business is facing as it tries to move forward: control. Try Googling for a definition of “control” and you will find many interesting morsels, such as: control = power to direct or determine; “under control.” Control is the power to determine – for the purpose of this blook, that will make a very suitable definition.

Details here, and please prepare your news feeds aggregator because i’m ready.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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