World Punk Documentary

From my friend Jeremy Wallach. He’s an assistant professor in Bowling Green State University:

The Punks Are Alright is a terrific documentary about punk music and culture in Canada, Brazil, and Indonesia by Canadian filmmaker Douglas Crawford. The film provides an excellent illustration of the globalization of culture as well as an evocative portrait of post-9/11-and-10/12 Indonesian youth and society.

Rather than seek to make money from his film, Douglas instead just wants people around the world to see it. He therefore will send a DVD copy of the film (which runs approximately 1:20) to any interested party who sends him a self-addressed mailing envelope. Or you can just contact me through email and I’ll make you a copy myself and have it sent to you.

Douglas can be reached at

Below is a promotional flyer for the film.

Note: Jeremy can be reached at

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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